Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Speculating moments!!!

There is a moment in life
When deep in our heart of hearts
We dare to be ourselves
We allow our true selves to show
All that we are,
All that we feel,
All that we know,
All that we don’t know,
All that we desire for,
All that we crave for,
All that which is with us,
All that which is not with us,
All that we dream for,
All that said unsaid thoughts……

In that moment in time
We pass beyond restrictions,

We pass beyond restrictions
And we dare to be ourselves…
Allowing for all to be ... just as it is...
So Perfect, So happy, So wonderful??
So Sad, So Gloomy, So Scary??

A combination of both I am sure
giving us no light as to the cure…

Why do we seek past?
Why do we want more than what we have?
Why do we feel a desire to see…to see the other side of the mirror?
Why are we so set upon ME, MY and I?
Why do we expect others to change to fit what we feel they should be?
A lot of questions there… but aren’t all these the same things?